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Student Code of Conduct Policy 319.01
Johnson County Community College
Series: 300 Students
Section: Code of Conduct and Discipline

Applicability: This Policy applies to all students enrolled at Johnson County Community College (“赌钱app可以微信提现” or “the College”) who i) are participating in any College course, activity or event or ii) are representing the College, either on or off campus.

Purpose: The purpose of this Policy is to set out the 赌钱app可以微信提现 Student Code of Conduct (“the Code”) which students must follow.


“Bullying” is any intentional gesture or any intentional written, verbal, electronic or physical act or threat that is sufficiently severe, persistent or pervasive that it creates an intimidating, threatening or abusive educational environment that a reasonable person, under the circumstances, knows or should know will have the effect of: harming an individual, whether physically or mentally; damaging an individual’s property; placing an individual in reasonable fear of harm to the individual’s person; or placing an individual in reasonable fear of damage to the individual’s property.  Bullying includes cyberbullying, which is bullying through the use of electronic means.

“Assembly,” for the purpose of this Policy, is an individual or group organizing for the purpose of communication.


Student participation in College-sponsored programs is considered a privilege and not a right. Therefore, students participating in such programs are expected to adhere to the Code and to all specific conditions of participation in any College sanctioned activity, event or program, including but not limited to, behavioral conditions described in contracts and agreements for athletic, academic and extra-curricular scholarships and activities.

Students are subject to the policies and operating procedures of the College. Violations of this Policy may be reported pursuant to the Student Disciplinary Action Operating Procedure 319.02. The College will take interim and/or disciplinary action in accordance with the Student Disciplinary Action Policy 319.02. In addition, the College may refer a student conduct matter to appropriate authorities if determined necessary by the College.

Students are required to comply with the following provisions of the Code:

1. Academic Dishonesty, Cheating or Plagiarism

No student shall attempt, engage in, or aid and abet behavior that, in the judgment of the faculty member for a particular class, is construed as academic dishonesty. This includes, but is not limited to, cheating, plagiarism or other forms of academic dishonesty.

Examples of academic dishonesty and cheating include, but are not limited to, unauthorized acquisition of tests or other academic materials and/or distribution of these materials, unauthorized sharing of answers during an exam, use of unauthorized notes or study materials during an exam, altering an exam and resubmitting it for re-grading, having another individual take an exam for a student or submit assignments in the name of a student, participating in unauthorized collaboration on coursework to be graded, providing false data for a research paper, using electronic equipment to transmit information to a third party to seek answers, or creating/citing false or fictitious references for a term paper. Submitting the same paper for multiple classes may also be considered cheating if not authorized by the faculty member.

Examples of plagiarism include, but are not limited to, any attempt to take credit for work that is not the student’s own, such as using direct quotes from an author without using quotation marks or indentation in the paper, paraphrasing work that is not the student’s own without giving credit to the original source of the idea, or failing to properly cite all sources in the body of the student’s work. This includes use of complete or partial papers from internet paper mills or other sources of non-original work without attribution.

A faculty member may further define academic dishonesty, cheating or plagiarism in the course syllabus.

2. Alcohol and Controlled Substances

赌钱app可以微信提现 supports and endorses the Federal Drug-Free Workplace Act of 1988 and the Drug-Free Schools and Communities Act amendments of 1989, as stated in the Substance Abuse Policy 320.00 (for students) and Substance Abuse and Alcohol Policy 424.03 (for employees). In addition, the College requires students to comply with the provisions of the Kansas Controlled Substances Act (K.S.A. 65-4101, et seq.).

These laws and policies provide, in part, that no student shall consume or possess any alcoholic beverages, unlawfully manufacture, distribute, dispense, consume or possess controlled substances, or be under the influence of such substances on any College-owned, College-operated, or College-utilized facility or at any College-sponsored event or activity either on or off campus. This includes but is not limited to service-learning trips, internship experiences, clinical and practicum assignments, or any off-campus 赌钱app可以微信提现 sponsored gathering of students. All athletes who practice and compete for athletic teams at 赌钱app可以微信提现 will be required to participate in the College’s Drug and Alcohol Abuse Testing, Prevention and Counseling Program. Specifics of this Program are outlined within the Student Athlete Handbook. Additionally, some academic programs may require drug and/or alcohol screening as a prerequisite to admittance into the program or for placement at clinical or internship sites.

3. Assault and Battery

No student shall threaten or commit an assault or battery (including sexual offenses) on or toward any member of the College community including its employees, students, trustees or visitors.

4. Bullying

Bullying, as defined in the definitions section of this Policy, is prohibited at 赌钱app可以微信提现.

5. Contracts

No student shall enter into a contract with an outside agency using the name of the College. Contracts entered into in violation of this rule shall be the personal responsibility and liability of the student.

6. Counterfeiting and Altering

No student shall tamper with, alter in any way, manner, shape or form, or make any unauthorized reproduction or copies of any writing, record, document of identification or any form used or maintained by the College. This shall include electronic and computerized data.

7. Discrimination, Harassment or Retaliation

No student shall engage in discrimination, harassment or retaliation of another as defined and prohibited by the Student Discrimination, Harassment or Retaliation Policy 319.05.

8. Disruptive Behavior

No student shall behave in a manner that is materially disruptive to the learning environment, that is likely to cause damage or actually causes damage to College property, or that endangers or infringes upon the rights, health or safety of themselves or others. Student obstruction or disruption of an educational process, administrative process or other College function is prohibited. It is the responsibility of all students to cooperate fully with officers from the 赌钱app可以微信提现 Police Department, including providing valid identification upon request.

9. Dumping and Littering

No student shall deposit, dump, litter or otherwise dispose of any refuse on College property, except in duly designated refuse depositories.

10. Financial Responsibility

Students who register for classes at 赌钱app可以微信提现, or otherwise incur charges on their student accounts, are obligated to pay charges billed to the student account in accordance with the Student Financial Responsibility Statement.

11. Gambling

No student shall engage in any form of gambling, as defined by law (see K.S.A. 21-6403, as amended), on College-owned, College-operated, or College-utilized property, at College-sponsored events or activities either on or off campus, or through the use of College owned technology and communication systems.

12. Health and Safety

Students are required to observe the health and safety rules of the College, any classroom, laboratory or other College premises, whether such procedures are written or oral rules or directions. This shall include, but not be limited to completing all required safety training, wearing required personal protective equipment and following prescribed methods and procedures for utilizing dangerous machinery and/or handling and disposing of certain materials which may be hazardous, unstable, infectious, etc.

13. Sexual Assault, Domestic Violence, Dating Violence and Stalking

Sexual Assault, Domestic Violence, Dating Violence and Stalking, as those terms are defined in the Sexual Harassment Policy 650.00, are strictly prohibited.

14. Technology, Communication Systems and Electronic Devices

Students must comply with 赌钱app可以微信提现’s Use of Technology and Communication Systems Policy 510.00 and Use of Technology and Communication Systems Operating Procedure 510.01.

Specifically, students will not use College technology and communication systems:

For illegal or criminal activity;
To harass, defame or stalk others;
For the posting, viewing or sending obscene or pornographic material or material that incites illegal activities;
For unauthorized commercial or for-profit activities;
To intentionally waste College resources and supplies;
To knowingly spread malware or viruses;
To play games or pursue other non-academic purposes without permission;
For the distribution, downloading, uploading, or sharing of any material, software, data, document, sound, picture, or any other file that is specified as illegal by any federal or state laws or considered to be proprietary;
To modify, damage, destroy, or copy any data to which they are not authorized; or
To tamper with, attempt to gain or gain access to computer data to which the student has no security authorization (including, but not limited to student files, faculty files, confidential information and student record data).

Students shall not share passwords to College technology and communication systems. Passwords must be kept confidential.

Additionally, no electronic communication device shall be used in a manner that causes disruption in any instructional, learning or activity setting, during any class, or within any College-owned, College-operated, or College-utilized facilities. This includes, but is not limited to, abuse of cellular or other electronic devices as follows:

Utilizing cellular phones or other electronic devices with photographic capabilities for the purposes of photographing test questions or engaging in other forms of academic misconduct, academic dishonesty or illegal activity;
Photographing individuals in secured areas such as lavatories or locker rooms;
Taking photographs of any individuals without obtaining appropriate consent;
Taking unauthorized photographs of documents; or
Utilizing any type of electronic device to photograph, video record or audio record a course or extra-curricular activity unless permission is expressly granted by the faculty member or 赌钱app可以微信提现 representative. A student may be required to complete a Recorded Lecture Agreement before receiving permission to record. Regardless, when permission is granted, students agree to use such recordings only for personal use and agree not to post such recordings on the internet, or otherwise distribute them to others. Students needing recordings of lectures for disability-related reasons should contact the ACCESS Services Office to arrange for appropriate accommodations.
15. Theft/Vandalism

Students shall not engage in the theft of or damage to property belonging to another person or the College. This includes tampering with coin-operated machines, defacing public property and relocating College property without proper authorization.

16. Tobacco Use and Smoking

Tobacco use, smoking and use of electronic cigarettes (and similar devices) are prohibited on or in any College facility except in outdoor designated areas. See the Tobacco and Smoke-Free Campus Policy 428.01 for further information.

17. Use of College Facilities and Assembly

Students shall not be in College-owned, College-operated, or College-utilized facilities except during times established in the academic calendar or during normal College hours of operation. Students wishing to utilize College facilities at times outside of normal hours of operation must secure permission from the Office of Student Life and Leadership Development.

Free and open assembly is permitted in public areas of the College, subject to reasonable time, place and manner restrictions, and is governed by applicable College policies and operating procedures. Use of College space, whether public or non-public, for assembly purposes is available through established facility reservation procedures administered by the Office of Student Life and Leadership Development.

18. Weapons

赌钱app可以微信提现 prohibits the possession or use of weapons, as defined in the Weapons Policy 660.00, on campus or at off-campus activities, except as specifically authorized by the Weapons Policy 660.00, which has been adopted in accordance with the Kansas Personal and Family Protection Act, K.S.A. 75-7c01 et seq., as amended and other applicable federal and state laws. Students shall at all times comply with this Policy.  

19. Other Violations

Students shall not: (a) violate a federal or state law or local ordinance; (b) aid or abet any violation of federal law, state law, local ordinance, or the Code; or (c) violate any other 赌钱app可以微信提现 policy, operating procedure or rule.

Date of Adoption:
Revised: 05/26/1993, 06/17/1993, 06/19/1997, 06/18/1998, 03/23/2000, 04/17/2003, 03/23/2004, 01/18/2007, 05/17/2007, 08/2/2007, 12/13/2007, 01/15/2009, 08/18/2011, 10/22/2015, 11/17/2016, 05/11/2017, 01/21/2021, 06/20/2024
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